Launceston Beekeeping Group, Gwenyn Kernow August 2022

On the 9th July we had our second Apiary visit to a members hives. On a lovely warm afternoon Tim Dathan hosted 14 members. His 4 hives exhibited differing levels of productivity including a recent swarming. Advice was sought a freely given at the highly enjoyable tea and cake that followed in the splendid gardens of Tim’s home.

The first Launceston Agricultural Show since Covid occurred on Thursday the of July . A very warm and dry day provided perfect conditions for an excellent attendance. The Show is well supported by the local community and clearly enjoyed by the farming community. We had our Gazebo erected loaded with information and manned by our enthusiastic volunteers. Great fun was had with the “Can you Taste the Difference” offer where a jar of Peter Hicks locally produced honey was pitched against a jar of honey from a local supermarket. After tasting each punter was informed of their result which then gave an opportunity to explain how supermarkets manufacture their honey and adulterate to create the “taste”.

Of the 125 tastings 69 favoured the local honey with 56 the supermarket honey. Sadly it was noticeable that children tended to favour the “sweeter” supermarket honey. Still an interesting result…..and a super way of enticing people in. Equally of interest especially to youngsters was the Observation hive kindly supplied as usual by Mark and Sue Hoult. Spotting the Queen proved an excellent task to set those interested please see photo for the proof. Our thanks to the volunteers Audrey Hicks, Gemma Stevens, Hilary Walters, Barbara Hassall and Jim and Cathy Walker for manning throughout the day assisted by various members of the committee. The day was finished off nicely by those remaining tucking in to a welcome piece of Rosemarie Lane’s entry into the cake making competition .

The 14th of August saw 22 members and partners attend our first purely social event since Covid. New members Pat and Sue Byrne provided the venue at their home in Polyphant. A super afternoon was enjoyed by all attendees . Pat has a spaceship sized barbecue which was put to good use on the day. Our timing could not have been better as it was the last day before the heatwave broke.

Further events planned into 2022 are:

3rd September Apiary visit , host Mark and Sue Hoult

We have also booked the following Friday dates for our inside meetings at Tregadillett Community Hall, subject matter to be confirmed:

18th November 2022

17th February 2023

10th March 2023

Our combined Annual Dinner and AGM is booked for Saturday 21st January 2023.

Paul Burridge


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One of the joys of being Secretary is the interesting phone calls you receive from the public. On the 1st of September I took a

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