A member of the Cornwall Beekeepers’ Association and affiliated to the British Beekeepers’ Association.
This website is set up to offer help, support and invaluable information to Beekeepers and anyone interested in Bees in the Launceston and surrounding communities.
If you would like to join our group or come along to one of our meetings for a ‘taster’, please contact the group secretary, details on the Contact Us page.
New CBBC beekeeping show. Click here.
If you would like to join us please go to the Cornwall Beekeepers’ Association website and apply via their current process – tell them you would like to join the Launceston Group. You can however attend meetings at any of the CBKA groups as you wish. New members are accepted at anytime throughout the year – joining after end of August gives you membership for the following membership year!
Renewals to be completed by December 31st otherwise insurance for bees may be delayed if paid after this date.
Quite simply by eating and enjoying local honey! Our beautiful local honey gives a wide variety of tastes and each year is different due to the varied weather and diverse floral pollens.
However before you recycle your honey jars please wash them out thoroughly.
Washing honey jars is a big contributor to protect honeybee health. Very occasionally there are spores in honey, especially honey from an unknown source, that are very dangerous to bee health. the spores are completely harmless to humans and do not affect the honey.
We are a friendly and welcoming group of beekeepers who meet in the Launceston area, although our members come from a wider geographical area.
Our members range in age, experience and ability from beginner beekeepers through to those who have many years experience.
We meet up nearly every month, in the winter meeting at Tregadillett on a Friday evening and focussing on educational topics or matters arising. Recent meetings have looked at beekeeping basic knowledge, pollen under the microscope and the Asian Hornet.
We have an annual social in January at a local venue which is always well attended.
February sees our Honey Tasting evening when we get a chance to sample each others’ produce. It is always interesting to find how honey tastes are different even from only a few miles between hives.
During the main “bee” season, from April until September, we try to meet once a month at a member’s apiary to look at bees and discuss/action any topics that arise. New beekeepers can have a very close look inside the hives, or even take part in these sessions. These are always very interesting and informative occasions followed by refreshments and socialising. The ‘teas’ are always worth looking forward to as there are some very good cooks among us.
In addition for new beekeepers we offer a series of observational apiary visits throughout the Spring and Summer. Attending these is an excellent way to become familiar with beekeeping and other new members of the Launceston Beekeeping Group. For those then wishing to pursue beekeeping and obtain their first bees we will look to assign an experienced beekeeper as a mentor.
We enjoy the Royal Cornwall Show in June, the Launceston Show in July and the Callington Honey Fair in October and try to support them by helping out with the running of the shows or entering our honey or other items in the competitions. Please check the calendar for forthcoming dates.
We are all members of Cornwall Bee Keepers Association (CBKA) and receive their magazine “Gwenyn Kernow” regularly. New members are expected to join the CBKA after two ‘taster’ visits.
Reach out to us today for more information!